Full.prof. Nikola Hadjiev
Doctor of the pedagogical sciences

He studied physical education and sports and graduated in Moscow in 1958. Since 1959 he is constantly working in the National Sports Academy "Vassil Levski" - Sofia, as he went along the long way from assistant to professor.
In 1967 he successfully defended a disertation on the topic of "Research of the special strenght training and technique in gymnastics exercises" and received the academical rank Doctor.
In 1970 he attains the academic rank "Associate Professor".
From 1973 to 1996 Full.prof. Nikola Hadjiev is a longterm manager of the "Gymnastics" Department.
In 1979 he is chosen "Full Professor".
- From 1979 to 1987 Nikola Hadjiev is Rector of NSA "Vassil Levski". Under his management all efforts are aimed at making a tree-leveled structure of education. It was his initiative to improve much of the technical and material base of the Adacemy (it was "Institute" at the time), to create a Council of electrotechnics and provide all departments with computers.He put a lot of work to create and establish a faculty for primary military education. In the years of his management, Full.prof. Nikola Hadjiev managed the scientific research activity by putting the accent not only on the fundamental, but on its practical uses as well. He contributed to the establishing of the HIPC "G.Dimitrov" /nowadays-the National Sports Academy/ as a unique center for education of specialists in the field of physical education,sports and kinesytherapy.
In the period 1976-1992 he was a member of the Executive committee of the International Gymnastics Federation and the first Vice-President of that institution in the period 1980-1984. He is responsible for the scientific problems of gymnastics worldwide.Two manuals were publicated under his management, both in French, as well as books in other countries. He was an organizator and reporter of science conferences and discussions of the World Gymnastics Federation.
In period 1970-1990 he was constantly president of the Bulgarian Gymnastics Federation.
- From 1995 to 1997 he was president of the Bulgarian Physical Culture and Sports Union.
Since 1980 he is a member of the Bulgarian Olympic Committee and its Vice-president in the period of 1980-1990.
In 1993 he created the Bulgarian association "Sports for everybody", which he manages to this day.
From 1994 to present day Full.prof. Nikola Hadjiev is a member of the board of directors of the International Association "Sports for Everybody" /TAFISA/ .
In 1997 he created and is permanently president of the National Scientific Union "Sports, stress, adaptation". The union has organized two international scientific congresses, several symposiums and round tables on the topic of "Sports, stress and adaptation".
Full.prof. Nikolga Hadjiev was president of the Specialized Scientific Council /SCC/ of Theory and methods of physical education and sports training /including curative physical culture/. He was a member of the Specialized scientific committee of the Supreme testimonial committee at the Ministry Council of Bulgaria.
Full.prof. Nikola Hadjiev was honoured the title "Honourable contributor of the physical culture and sports". He was also awarded with the order “Êèðèë è Ìåòîäèé II ñòåïåí” and two golden orders of labour.
Besides his work with students of NSA Full.prof. N.Hadjiev was lecturer in many international courses, seminars and symposiums in: Greece, Turkey, Yugoslavia, France, Netherlands, Indonesia, Mexico, Guatemala and others.
He was senior coach of the national gymnastics team from 1958 to 1968.
The main questions dominating his scientific researches are the problems associated with the organization, structure and management of gymnastics in our country, as well as the problems of physical qualities of the sportsmen and the biomechanics of gymnastical exercises.
The scientific publications of Full.prof. Nikola Hadjiev are characterized by their modern and interesting problems, profound scientific approach, wide use of the exact sciences, originality and applicability in practice.
He is author of more than 130 scientific publications, 27 books, textbooks and manuals on :
- Theory and methods of physical education and sports;
- Stress and adaptation problems in sports;
- Theory and methods of gymnastics as a basic component in the physical training in sports;
- Problems of the motional performance of sportsmen and strength training;
- Biomechanics in sports and gymnastic exercises;
- Problems of the mass-curative physical culture and sports for everybody etc .