Extracts from Statutes of NSA
Article 10. (1) The General Assembly is a supreme managing body of the Academy. (2) The General Assembly consists of the professors, the associate professors, the representatives of the assistant professors, of the post-graduate students and of the administration staff and the workers as follows:
1. Professors and associate professors 70% of the full body;
2. Assistant professors 10% of the full body;
3. students and post-graduation students 15% of the full body;
4. administration staff and workers 5% of the full body.
(3) The representative quota in item 2 and item 3 of the aforesaid paragraph is determined in proportion to the number in each Faculty.
(4) The distribution of the representative quotas among the Academy structure sections in the aforesaid paragraph is determine by the Academic Council on Rector’s motion. The representatives are elected by a secret vote of the general assemblies of the represented communities in the structure sections. The nominees are elected on the majority representation basis for the community quota.
(5) A Member of the General Assembly can be:
1. Regarding the representatives of the professors, associate professors, assistant professors and the administration staff, each person who, by the day of the election, has been employed on a full-time legal contract.
2. Regarding the representatives of the students and post-graduation students, each intra-mural student. Their mandate shall be over in case of:
a) Completion of their course of study according to the curriculum;
b) Suspension of the student or interruption of their studies;
c) Other conditions provided by the Students’ Council Regulations.
The vacated position is occupied by a new representative elected through the procedure established by these Regulations. Their mandate is over when the General Assembly mandate is completed.
Constitution of General Assembly
Article 11. (1) The General Assembly mandate begins with its first session called by the Chairperson of the operating General Assembly not later than 30 days before its mandate is over and it takes place not later than 30 days after this mandate is over.
(2) The first session of the General Assembly is opened and chaired by the Chairperson of the previous General Assembly until the election of a new Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson is completed.
(3) At its first session, on the Chairperson’s motion, the General Assembly elects:
1. A credential committee;
2. A committee of nominations for the Academy managerial and supervision bodies;
3. An election committee.
(4) The bodies cited in the aforesaid paragraph have the same mandate as the General Assembly by which they have been elected.
(5) The Credential Committee consists of a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and 3 members.
(6) The Committee of Nominations for the Managerial and Supervision Bodies of the Academy consist of a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson and 3 members.
(7) The Election Committee consists of a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson and 9 members.
(8) At its first session after electing the bodies in Paragraph 3, the General Assembly elects:
1. A Chairperson;
2. A Vice-Chairperson.
Article 12.
(1) The Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson of the General Assembly shall be of academic rank and by the time of their election shall have been full-time lecturers at the Academy for not less than 10 years with no prospects for suspending their contract because of reaching the legal retirement age.
(2) The mandate of the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson is determined by the General Assembly mandate. It continues until the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson of the newly constituted General Assembly are elected.
(3) The Chairperson of the General Assembly:
1. calls and chairs the sessions of the General Assembly;
2. represents the General Assembly;
3. can attend the Academic Council sessions and participate in the discussions, and have a vote if he/she is a member of it.
(4) The Vice-Chairperson of the General Assembly exercises the Chairperson’s power of attorney when the latter is absent or when he/she is thus authorized by the Chairperson.
Article 17.
(1) The elections for the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson of the General Assembly and for the Chairperson and members of the Control Council are held by the Election Committee elected by the General Assembly.
(2) A nominee is considered elected, when over fifty percent of the General Assembly members, registered as present, vote for him/her. When the members of collective bodies are elected they are placed in the order of the number of votes they receive.
(3) If none of the nominees for a one-member body is elected on the terms stated in the aforesaid paragraph, a second vote is taken at the same session of the General Assembly for the two nominees who have received the greatest number at the first vote. If the number of votes for more than two nominees is equal, all these nominees shall be nominated for the second vote. The nominee who receives the greater number of votes is elected or, at equal number of votes, the person of longer length of service at the Academy.