Associate Professor Milena Kuleva, Ph.D.
Department DEOIT
Motion Analysis Information Technologies Section
Phone: +359 2 4014 325
Mobile: +359 898 77 66 65
- Bachelor's Degree: National Sports Academy " Vassil Levski", specialization "Physical Education" and second specialization "Tennis" (2005)
- Master's Degree: "Sport for High Achievements" (2007)
- Doctorate: Dissertation on "Management îf Interactive Platform ôor Education îf Sports Professionals" (2016)
Professional Experience
- International Programmes and Projects Expert, International Relations Department, NSA Vassil Levski (2006-2008)
- Part-time Lecturer in "Statistics" (2006 – 2008)
- Research Associate (Assistant) in "Communication and European Integration" (2008)
- Head Assistant, Centre for Scientific and Applied Activities in Sport (2018)
- Head Assistant, ITAD Section (DEOIT) (2020)
- Associate Professor, field 1.3. "Pedagogy of Education in..." at the Section "ITAD" (DEOIT) (2022)
- Head of the Center for Innovative Educational Technologies at NSA "Vassil Levski" (2024)
- Member of the Experts' Council for Distance and E-learning of the National Academy of Sciences " Vassil Levski" (from 2015 - present)
- Member of the Experts' Council on Scientific and Project Activities of the NSA " Vassil Levski" (from 2024 - present)
Scientific and Expert Activities
- Assistant Editor of the Journal of Applied Sports Sciences (from 2017 – present)
- Awarded and completed Fulbright Research Scholar project at SUNY Empire State College (now University) (2021)
- Project Evaluator at the European Commission under the Sport Programme (from 2020-present)
- Participation in more than 15 International Scientific and Educational Projects under the Leonardo da Vinci (2007-2013), Erasmus +, Horizon 2020 (Maria Sklodowska - Curie), as well as under the OP Human Resources Development (2007-2013) - 4.3.04. "Development of electronic forms of distance learning in the system of higher education", the Research Fund, etc.
Publication Activities
- Author and co-author of 25 scientific articles, 15 of them indexed in Web of Science.
- Author of the monographic work "Online Learning. Development, pedagogical approaches, perspectives" (2022)
- Research h-index of 3 as of 2024 in Web of Sciences.
Organizational Committees
Organizing secretary of numerous International Scientific Congresses and Conferences, including:
- Fourth International Scientific Congress "Sport, Stress, Adaptation" (2006)
- Fifth International Scientific Congress "Sport, Stress, Adaptation" (2010)
- Sixteenth International Scientific Congress "Olympic Sport and Sport for All" and Sixth International Scientific Congress "Sport, Stress, Adaptation" (2012)
- Ninth FIEP European Congress (2014)
- International Scientific Congress "Applied Sciences in Sports" (2017, 2019, 2022)
- Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh International Scientific Conference "Sport and Security" (2018, 2021, 2023)
- Online Conference "Sports Education in the Balkans During the Pandemic" (2020)
Editorial Activities
Member of the editorial board of scientific congresses, including:
- Ninth FIEP European Congress (2014)
- International Scientific Congress "Applied Sciences in Sports" (2017, 2019, 2022)
- Seventh International Scientific Conference "Sport and Security" (2023)
Courses Taught by Assoc. Prof. Milena Kuleva
Bachelor's Programs:
- "Informatics with Motion Modeling" (Faculty of Sport)
- "Information and Communication Technologies" (Faculty of Pedagogy)
- "Digital Competence and Creativity in E-Learning" (Elective, Faculty of Pedagogy)
Master's Programs:
- "Adapted Sports and Inclusive Education" - MSAS.II.12 "Scientific and Technological Innovations in Education for People with Disabilities"
- "Physical Education" - MPh.E.III.5. "Specialized and Applied Software"
- "Sports Psychology" - MPSY.II.2. "Software and Hardware for Visualization in Sports"