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Head of the Master program

“Creation and realization of sports show programmes”

Prof. Kiril Andonov D.Sc.

Tel. 0898776594



Duration of the programme – 2 semesters; regular/extramural studies

Professional field – Sport

Credit points – 60

Language of instruction – Bulgarian, English


Content (short description) of the program


Organisation and implementation of sports festivals, programs, gymnastic compositions and other sporting and artistic events require qualified specialists. The Bachelor's degree does not contain knowledge of such activities. The preparation of sports performances should be carried out by professionals with special skills in this field. This qualification description defines the professional qualities, knowledge and skills that a graduate with a Master's degree in the specialty "Creation and realisation of sport show programs" is expected to have.


Subject and scope of knowledge, skills and competences:


The graduate, who holds a Master's degree in the "Creation and realisation of sports show programmes", will acquire professional knowledge about:

·         Management, financial provision and advertising of Sports show programmes (SSP)

·         Creating an idea, design and principles of development of SSP

·         History of music and dance, ethics, aesthetics, stage behavior and movement

·         Mass gymnastic compositions, creative and stage work

·         Scenography, costumes, make-up, lighting

·         Modern technologies for creation and realization of SSP

·         Marketing, advertising, art management

·         Modern information technologies and their application in the various forms of SSP


Career opportunities and practical realisation of the acquired knowledge


The training of a graduate in the specialty "Creation and realisation of sports show programs" provides professional realisation, which enables him to perform the following activities in the field of SSP:

·         To develop or participate in the creation of SSP for: sports festivals, mass gymnastic compositions, sports attractions, programs in amusement parks, varieties, circuses, cruises, restorations, TV shows with a sporting and entertainment character etc.

·         To carry out or participate in performing expert evaluations of SSP

·         To conduct scientific research in the field of sports show programmes

·         To supervise the implementation of SSP

·         To provide technical guidance on the SSP implementation

·         To carry out managerial activities in the field of SSP

·         To carry out teaching activities

·         To develop or participate in the development of projects in the field of SSP

·         To lead individual units or the entire SSP team


Requirements for the training of students acquiring educational-master's degree:


·         In-depth scientific and theoretical, as well as specialised training in the specialty "Creation and realisation of sports show programs"

·         Abilities for undertaking scientific research, applied research in SSP and other related specialities

·         Providing conditions for educational mobility of students

·         Developing abilities for flexible adaptation in conditions of social, economic and other changes


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